The venom glands of both workers and ergatoid queens of the ant Leptogenys
diminuta contain 4-methyl-3-heptanol and a mixture of esters of this alcoho
l and long-chain fatty acids. Only the higher proportion of 4-methyl-3-hept
anone in the queens represents a chemical difference between the castes. Th
e Dufour gland secretion of workers and queens, however, shows considerable
differences. Both share a series of long-chain hydrocarbons with 9- and 7-
pentacosene as the major substances of the secretion but are otherwise diff
erentiated by the presence in the workers only of three farnesene isomers,
whereas queens contain a wide range of substances. The mated queen had a ve
ry complex mixture of hydrocarbons, esters and terpenes. These substances w
ere also present in the virgin females but in smaller quantities.