Objective To determine whether there is a relationship between season of bi
rth and adult blood pressure, as a possible early determinant of later bloo
d pressure,
Design We studied 572 men, aged 45-64 years, whose blood pressure was measu
red in standardized manner as part of a nation-wide survey in Spain, To ana
lyse the seasonal variation in blood pressure, a linear regression was perf
ormed, adjusting for age, height, body mass index, occupation and rural or
urban residence.
Results We found seasonal variation in mean systolic blood pressure, with m
axima in adults born in autumn and winter, and minima in those born in spri
ng and summer. The greatest difference in systolic blood pressure occurred
between adults born in spring (134.1 mmHg) and those born in autumn (140.3
mmHg). After adjustment, the difference in means between spring and autumn
was 5.9 mmHg (95% confidence interval 0.7 to 11.1 mmHg, P = 0.03),
Conclusions This study demonstrated differences in systolic blood pressures
of adult men according to the season of their birth, Although this relatio
nship is compatible with several hypotheses, the difference found between s
pring and autumn, partially independent of some other factors, might indica
te that the extent of early exposure to sunlight is implicated in determini
ng later blood pressure. This needs further investigation. (C) 2000 Lippinc
ott Williams & Wilkins.