Sheet metal is widely used for industrial and consumer products because of
its malleability into complex shapes. However, in the aerospace industry ma
nufacturing planning of sheet metal products is still mainly carried out ma
nually. Most of the previous research in this field has been primarily devo
ted to computer aided process planning for rotational and prismatic parts.
This paper describes the development of an advanced software toolset used f
or the automation of sheet metal fabrication planning for aircraft componen
ts. The system is specifically designed to be implemented and maintained by
manufacturing engineers, rather than computer programmers. Therefore a sys
tematic user requirement capture has been carried out, and the planning kno
wledge has been captured within a leading aerospace company, which was the
main sponsor of the project. The prototype system was then developed in col
laboration with a software consultant company and finally evaluated and ben
chmarked through industrial case studies which proved that the system provi
des an efficient and effective approach to sheet metal fabrication process
planning, when compared with other commercially available systems. (C) 2000
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.