The goal of the present study is to examine workshops of Jewish-Israeli and
Palestinian youth conducted in the post-Oslo era with the aim of promoting
reconciliation and peacebuilding between the sides. The workshops were org
anized by an Israeli-Palestinian organization, in the framework of a peace
education project. In these workshops, youth from pairs of Israeli and Pale
stinian high schools met for two days to discuss social, cultural and polit
ical topics. Each workshop included approximately 20 youths from each side
that were led jointly by a Jewish-Israeli and a Palestinian group facilitat
or. The study examines four facets of these dialogue events, using both qua
ntitative and qualitative research methods: (1) structure of activities and
practices of transformative dialogue used in the encounter events; (2) att
itudes and mutual stereotypes held by youth from both sides prior to the be
ginning of the workshops; (3) mutual perceptions and altitudes expressed by
participants during the encounter; (4) effects of participation in the wor
kshops on stereotypes held by the Jewish-Israeli and Palestinian youth (pre
-post comparisons).