New product development (NPD) has never been more challenging or rewarding
than it is today. With the dawning of the new millennium, new product devel
opers now find themselves in an "age of change," the likes of which the wor
ld has never known. The rate of change is numbing, if not stupefling for ma
ny business people. With the winds of change blowing at near gale force int
ensity levels, this is clearly a time for NPD professionals to pursue new p
roduct and market strategies that are anchored on sound business fundamenta
This article begins with a brief review of the Product Development & Manage
ment Association's 1998 International Research Conference held in Atlanta.
The theme for the conference was "Achieving Excellence in New Product Devel
opment and Management." The article then offers a reflective look at seven
NPD themes that could dominate new millennium business thinking and offer g
uidance to those seeking new product success.
The article's first theme discusses why NPD is increasing in importance. Th
e second theme outlines key NPD building blocks which NPD champions must bo
lster for new product success. The third theme explores the value in concep
tualizing NPD output in items of "turns per decade. " The fourth theme cham
pions the notion that continuous quality improvement is an integral part of
NPD's contribution to a firm. The fifth theme explains why product elimina
tion is an essential element in the innovation process. Theme number six re
minds readers that fun and optimism are essential and commonly overlooked i
ngredients for sustaining NPD achievement. The seventh theme states that pr
oduct development professionals build credibility and successful careers by
delivering on promises made. Innovation opportunities embedded within each
theme are explored from both firm-level and individual developer-level per
In building the case for their themes, the authors initially provide a rati
onale for NPD's growing stature and importance. Then they suggest NPD strat
egies that firms can implement with high likelihood of success. The article
concludes with suggested actions that individual developers can undertake
to bolster their own careers while simultaneously strengthening the NPD pro
fession. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc.