In this study, a series of tillage experiments were set up to investigate t
he effect of variations in tillage depth and tillage speed on net soil disp
lacement and the associated tillage erosion rates for up and downslope chis
el tillage of a loamy soil under two different soil conditions: 1.) a conso
lidated soil under stubble vegetation (primary pass), and 2.) a freshly til
led, loosened soil (secondary pass). The experimental results show that the
average displacement distance is not only a function of slope gradient, bu
t also of soil condition, tillage depth, and speed. A model incorporating t
hese additional effects was proposed and validated using data available in
the literature: variations in displacement distance can be successfully pre
dicted, but their absolute magnitude is probably also controlled by tillage
implement geometry, which is at present not incorporated into the model. T
he fact that displacement distances are not affected by slope gradient only
complicates the calculation of tillage erosivity. However, if only the con
trolled variations in tillage depth and speed are accounted for, the use of
a single tillage transport coefficient k is still possible without an unac
ceptable loss of accuracy. Using the model, a series of nomograms have been
developed that allow one to evaluate the effect of tillage depth and/or sp
eed on soil erosivity of a given tillage operation. These nomograms are a v
aluable tool for evaluating possible strategies to remediate tillage erosio
n due to chisel tillage. Finally, experiment results show that chisel tilla
ge in the Belgian Loan Belt is very erosive, leading to annual erosion rate
s exceeding 2 mm yr(-1) (0.08 in yr(-1)) locally.