This paper focuses on agent-based applications for information retrieval on
the Web, by specifically analysing mobility and coordination issues. On th
e one hand, mobile agents well suit the requirements of information retriev
al in the new dynamic scenario derived from the Internet. This is due to th
eir capability of moving to the place where the information is stored - the
refore saving bandwidth - and to their robustness in the presence of unreli
able connections. On the other hand, the search for information by several
mobile active agents calls for suitable models to rule the interactions amo
ng agents and between agents and execution environments. The paper surveys
different coordination approaches and evaluates their impact in information
retrieval applications based on mobile agents. The survey outlines the adv
antages of uncoupled coordination models and points out the suitability of
a coordination model based on reactive and programmable tuple spaces: they
may increase the safety and the security of the environment while simplifyi
ng the task of programming distributed mobile agent applications. (C) 2000
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.