The experimental enclosure of an Antarctic planktonic community in a large
(35 m(3)) mesocosm moored in Johnson's Dock (62 degrees 39.576' S, 60 degre
es 22.408' W, Livingston Island, Bransfield Sector, Antarctica) was followe
d by a large phytoplankton bloom. This bloom, dominated by the large diatom
Thalassiosira antarctica, reached a biomass 1000-fold greater than in the
ambient waters. The net growth rate of T. antarctica averaged 0.53 +/- 0.17
d(-1), with maximum net growth rates close to 1.0 d(-1), exceeding the pre
dicted maximal population growth rates by 60 to 200 %. The gross primary pr
oduction in the mesocosm (49 mmol C m(-3) d(-1)) was about 30 times greater
than the concurrent gross production in the ambient waters, while sediment
ation losses removed only between 2.1 to 13 % of the biomass d(-1) and cell
mortality was negligible. The bloom development led to a decline of dissol
ved inorganic nutrient concentrations to values several times lower than th
ose in the ambient waters, indicating that the ambient nutrients were both
available and sufficient to allow the development of the massive algal bloo
m observed. Light-limitation of the phytoplankton community was likely the
factor responsible for the low biomass and production in ambient waters rel
ative to the mesocosm, as indicated by: (1) limited water transparency of a
bout 1 m, which increased up to 6 m as a result of the sedimentation of the
glacial flour in the mesocosm; (2) dense pigment packaging (14.7 +/- 3 pg
chi a mum(-3)) inside the phytoplankton cells of the community in the ambie
nt waters compared to much lower values (4.2 +/- 0.8 pg chi a mum(-3)) in t
he mesocosm community; (3) a specific Light absorption of the phytoplankton
community in the ambient waters 10 times higher (average specific PAR abso
rption +/- SE = 0.018 +/- 0.0038 m(-1) mg chi a(-1)) than in the mesocosm c
ommunity (0.0087 +/- 0.002 m(-2) mg(-1) chi a); and (4) a high apparent qua
ntum yield of the phytoplankton in the ambient waters (0.091 mol O-2 [mol p
hoton absorbed](-1)), 4-fold higher than that for the community developed i
n the mesocosm.