Exposure of similar to 50-day-old turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) to 0.001-1%
produced mater (PW) from a North Sea oil platform for up to six weeks did
not affect their survival, Overall, the results indicate that impacts of th
is PW on young turbot are likely to be limited to an area close to its disc
harge to surface waters. Sub-lethal physiological stress was evident (eleva
ted whole body cortisol) only after six weeks in 0.1% or 1% PW, In these fi
sh and those exposed to 1% PW for three weeks similar to 50% gill lamellae
were fused at their tips and as a result respiratory and/or ionoregulatory
processes were likely to be impaired. Decreased oxygen uptake or the narcot
ic effects of aromatic hydrocarbons may account for the reduced swimming ac
tivity of 1% PW-exposed fish. However, in 0.001% PW, fish increased swimmin
g activity which may partially account for their depressed growth. Whole bo
dy ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity was elevated only after one
or six week's exposure to 1% PW, not in all groups with hydrocarbon accumu
lation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. AU rights reserved.