Purpose: During constant-rate high-intensity exercise, a steady state for o
xygen uptake ((V) over dot O-2) is not achieved and, after the initial rapi
d increase, (V) over dot O-2 continues to increase slowly. The mechanism un
derlying the slow-component rise in (V) over dot O-2 during high-intensity
exercise is unknown. It has been hypothesized that increased muscle use may
be a contributing factor, but only limited electromyograph (EMG) data are
available supporting this hypothesis. The purpose of this study was to dete
rmine whether there is an association between the (V) over dot O-2 slow com
ponent and muscle use assessed by contrast shifts in magnetic resonance ima
ges (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)). Methods: The (V) over dot O-2 slow
component was measured in 16 subjects during two 15-min bouts of cycling pe
rformed at high and low intensities. EMG and MRI transverse relaxation time
s (T2) were obtained after 3 and 15 min to determine muscle activity at eac
h intensity. Results: Low-intensity cycling produced no (V) over dot O-2 sl
ow component, and no increases in muscle activity, except for a small incre
ase (P < 0.05) in the T2 of the vastus lateralis. During high-intensity cyc
ling, (V) over dot O-2, T2 of the vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and whol
e leg, and EMG activity and median power frequency of the vastus lateralis
rose significantly (P < 0.05) from 3 to 15 min. Percent increases in (V) ov
er dot O-2 and muscle T2 were related during high-intensity cycling (r = 0.
63), bur not during low-intensity cycling (r = 0.00). Conclusion: We conclu
de that increased muscle use is in part responsible for the slow component
rise in oxygen uptake. The results support the hypothesis that during const
ant-rate exercise at intensities above lactate threshold, progressively gre
ater use of fast-twitch motor units increases energy demand and causes conc
omitant progressive increases in (V) over dot O-2 and lactate.