Intelligent behaviour requires self-control based on the consequences of ac
tions. The countermanding task is designed to study self-control; it requir
es subjects to withhold planned movements in response to an imperative stop
signal, which they can do with varying success. In humans, the medial fron
tal cortex has been implicated in the supervisory control of action(1-3). I
n monkeys, the supplementary eye field in the dorsomedial frontal cortex is
involved in producing eye movements, but its precise function has not been
clarified(4). To investigate the role of the supplementary eye field in th
e control of eye movements, we recorded neural activity in macaque monkeys
trained to perform an eye movement countermanding task. Distinct groups of
neurons were active after errors, after successful withholding of a partial
ly prepared movement, or in association with reinforcement. These three for
ms of activation could not be explained by sensory or motor factors. Our re
sults lead us to put forward the hypothesis that the supplementary eye fiel
d contributes to monitoring the context and consequences of eye movements.