Motors generating mechanical force, powered by the hydrolysis of ATP, trans
locate double-stranded DNA into preformed capsids (proheads) of bacterial v
iruses(1,2) and certain animal viruses(3). Here we describe the motor that
packages the double-stranded DNA of the Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage phi
29 into a precursor capsid. We determined the structure of the head-tail c
onnector-the central component of the phi 29 DNA packaging motor-to 3.2 Ang
strom resolution by means of X-ray crystallography. We then fitted the conn
ector into the electron densities of the prohead and of the partially packa
ged prohead as determined using cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstr
uction analysis. Our results suggest that the prohead plus dodecameric conn
ector, prohead RNA, viral ATPase and DNA comprise a rotary motor with the h
ead-prohead RNA-ATPase complex acting as a stator, the DNA acting as a spin
dle, and the connector as a ball-race. The helical nature of the DNA conver
ts the rotary action of the connector into translation of the DNA.