While the fasciocutaneous radial forearm free flap has gained increasing po
pularity the osteocutaneous radial forearm free flap has been condemned bec
ause of a high rate of pathologic donor radius fracture. On the basis of st
udies that demonstrated increased strength in ostectomized radii after dyna
mic compression plating, we believed that internal fixation at the time of
graft harvest would significantly reduce the incidence of donor radius frac
ture. This is a retrospective review of the first 54 patients undergoing os
teocutaneous radial forearm free flap reconstruction of the head and neck a
t our institution; 52 underwent prophylactic plating of their donor radii.
No clinically significant donor radius fractures have occurred in plated pa
tients. Five asymptomatic fractures were discovered on routine radiographs
and required no treatment. Objective evaluation of forearm range of motion
and strength after graft harvest demonstrated excellent function compared w
ith unoperated arms. Serial radiographs have shown remodeling and reconstit
ution of donor radii without localized osteopenia.