We consider the problem of the doped Ising antiferromagnet on the frustrate
d triangular lattice in the limit where the hole kinetic energy is much sma
ller than the Ising exchange. For a single hole we prove a "frustrated Naga
oka theorem" showing that the ground state is magnetized and breaks transla
tional symmetry, in contrast to the parent insulating state that is unmagne
tized and spatially homogeneous. The extension of this physics to finite do
pings depends on the strength of a density-density coupling that is inevita
bly present-we find either phase separation of the holes, or a superconduct
ing state that is also magnetized and breaks translational symmetry in a fe
at of spatial self-organization. Finally, we derive an effective interactio
n between dilute holes at temperatures in excess of the hopping and find an
oscillatory, long-ranged form reflective of the correlations in the underl
ying classical magnet which presages the breaking of translational symmetry
at zero temperature.