Whipple's disease is a systemic bacterial infection and the common though n
ot invariable manifestations are diarrhoea, weight loss, abdominal pain, an
d arthralgia. Arthritis or arthralgia may be the only presenting symptom, p
redating other manifestations by years. Virtually all organs in the body ma
y be affected, with protean clinical manifestations. Various immunological
abnormalities, some of which may be epiphenomena, are described. The causat
ive organism is Tropheryma whippelii.
The disease is uncommon though lethal if not treated. Recent data suggest t
he disease occurs in an older age group than previously described. The char
acteristic histopathological features are found most often in the small int
estine. These are variable villous atrophy and distension of the normal vil
lous architecture by an infiltrate of foamy macrophages with a coarsely gra
nular cytoplasm, which stain a brilliant magenta colour with PAS. These pat
hognomonic PAS positive macrophages may also be present in the peripheral a
nd mesenteric lymph nodes and various other organs. The histological differ
ential diagnoses include histoplasmosis and Mycobacterium aviumintercellula
re complex.
The clinical diagnosis of Whipple's disease may be elusive, especially if g
astrointestinal symptoms are not present. A unique sign of CNS involvement,
if present, is oculofacial-skeletal myorhythmia or oculomasticatory myorhy
thmia, both diagnostic of Whipple's disease. A small bowel biopsy is often
diagnostic, though in about 30% of patients no abnormality is present. In p
atients with only CNS involvement, a stereotactic brain biopsy can be done
under local anaesthetic. A recent important diagnostic test is polymerase c
hain reaction of the 16S ribosomal RNA of Tropheryma whippelii.
Whipple's disease is potentially fatal but responds dramatically to antibio
tic treatment. In this review the current recommended treatments are presen
ted. The response to treatment should be monitored closely, as relapses are
common. CNS involvement requires more vigorous treatment because there is
a high rate of recurrence after apparently successful treatment.