Phosphatic sedimentary rocks preserve a record of early animal life differe
nt from and complementary to that provided by Ediacaran fossils in terminal
Proterozoic sandstones and shales. Phosphorites of the Doushantuo Formatio
n. South China. contain eggs, egg cases, and stereoblastulae that document
animals of unspecified phylogenetic position; small fossils containing puta
tive spicules may specifically record the presence of sponges. Microfossils
recently interpreted as the preserved gastrulae of cnidarian and bilateria
n metazoans can alternatively be interpreted as conventional algal cysts an
d/or egg Eases modified by diagenetic processes known to have had a pervasi
ve influence on Doushantuo phosphorites. Regardless of this interpretation,
evidence for Doushantuo eumetazoans is provided by millimeter-scale tubes
that display tabulation and apical budding characteristic of some Cnidaria,
especially the extinct tabulates. Like some Ediacaran remains, these small
, benthic, colonial fossils may represent stemgroup eumetazoans or stem-gro
up cnidarians that lived in the late Proterozoic ocean.