Fossil sponges are significant elements in framework facies of Late Visean
Cracoean reefs of northern England. In the Craven Reef Belt (North Yorkshir
e), lithistid demosponges, including Scheiia castletonense (Wolfenden 1959)
, Haplistion carbonaria (Wolfenden 1959) and Haplistion mega sp, nov., occu
r along with the less abundant, sphinctozoid demosponge Sollasia ramosa sp.
nov, in this facies. Scheiia castletonense is an irregular globose to moun
d-shaped tricanocladinid hindiid sponge with irregular secondary branchlike
growths in which the canal and skeletal structure are continuous with thos
e of the globular part of the sponge. Both species of Haplistion are rhizom
orinid lithistid sponges. Haplistion mega is a lobate sponge characterized
by moderately coarse skeletal tracts that are relatively far apart, in cont
rast to the fine tracts and closer spacing in the more common globose to su
bspherical Haplistion carbonaria. The aporate 'sphinctozoan' Sollasia ramos
a, commonly appears in the available sections as isolated spherical chamber
s because of its relatively loose branching habit and the beadlike to monil
iform series of spherical chambers in each branch.