Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were synthesized and purified. A wate
r colloid of SWCNTs was prepared and used to assemble SWCNTs onto a gold fi
lm surface. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images showed that short SW
CNTs stood on gold film surfaces. Using STM tips made of SWCNTs, a crystal
grain image of a gold thin film and an atomic resolution image of highly or
iented pyrolytic graphite were successfully obtained. The electrical proper
ties of short SWCNTs, which stood on the surface of gold film, were measure
d using STM. That SWCNTs stand on gold thin films is a promising technique
for studying structures and properties of carbon nanotubes, as well as asse
mbling and fabricating high-intensity coherent electron sources, field emis
sion flat panel display, tips for scanning probe microscopes, new nanoelect
ronic devices, etc.