The presence of myeloma cells in the blood circulation, implicates that the
se cells must have the potential to extravasate and home to the bone marrow
environment. Using the 5T2 MM mouse model, we could demonstrate that the r
estricted localization of myeloma cells in the bone marrow is the result of
selective migration of myeloma cells in the bone marrow combined with a se
lective growth of the tumour cells in the bone marrow microenvironment. Mor
eover, we showed that 5T2 MM cells bind in vitro selectively to bone marrow
-derived endothelial cells (EC) and not to lung-derived EC. In order to ide
ntify which chemotactic molecules mediate the transendothelial migration of
myeloma cells, we examined the motility-inducing effect of different extra
cellular matrix proteins on myeloma cell lines. We found that laminin-1, a
major component of the basement membrane, triggers the motility of both hum
an myeloma cells and 5T2 MM cells, through the 67 kD laminin receptor. Beca
use of the broad distribution of laminin in extracellular matrices througho
ut the body, it is clear that this molecule on itself can not be the only f
actor that determines the specificity of myeloma cell homing. In the 5T2 MM
model we identified IGF-1 as a more specific bone marrow derived chemoattr
actant for myeloma cells. In addition we demonstrated that the marrow micro
environment can upregulate the expression of the IGF-1 receptor on 5T mouse
myeloma cells. In the end phase of the disease, increasing numbers of myel
oma cells are detectable in the peripheral blood and extramedullary tumour
growth can occur. We found that the stroma-independent variant of the human
MM5 myeloma cell line showed an increased in vitro motility as compared to
the stroma-dependent variant. By representational difference analysis we d
emonstrated that the stroma-dependent MM5 cells show a downregulation of th
e motility-related protein (MRP-1/CD9) which might reflect the involvement
of this molecule in the regulation of myeloma cell extravasation.