Microdialysis is an in vivo technique that permits monitoring of local conc
entrations of drugs and metabolites at specific sites in the body. Microdia
lysis has several characteristics, which makes it an attractive tool for ph
armacokinetic research. About a decade ago the microdialysis technique ente
red the field of pharmacokinetic research, in the brain, and later also in
peripheral tissues and blood. Within this period much has been learned on t
he proper use of this technique. Today, it has outgrown its child diseases
and its potentials and limitations have become more or less well defined. A
s microdialysis is a delicate technique for which experimental factors appe
ar to be critical with respect to the validity of the experimental outcomes
, several factors should be considered. These include the probe; the perfus
ion solution; post-surgery interval in relation to surgical trauma, tissue
integrity and repeated experiments; the analysis of microdialysate samples;
and the quantification of microdialysate data. Provided that experimental
conditions are optimized to give valid and quantitative results, microdialy
sis can provide numerous data points from a relatively small number of indi
vidual animals to determine detailed pharmacokinetic information. An exampl
e of one of the added values of this technique compared with other in vivo
pharmacokinetic techniques, is that microdialysis reflects free concentrati
ons in tissues and plasma. This gives the opportunity to assess information
on drug transport equilibration across membranes such as the blood-brain b
arrier, which already has provided new insights. With the progress of analy
tical methodology, especially with respect to low volume/low concentration
measurements and simultaneous measurement of multiple compounds, the applic
ations and importance of the microdialysis technique in pharmacokinetic res
earch will continue to increase. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science BN. All rights r