Frictional resistance at the bracket-archwire interface has been demonstrat
ed to impede tooth movement when sliding mechanics are used. Thus, the coef
ficients of friction of titanium and stainless steel brackets used in conju
nction with stainless and ion-implanted beta-titanium archwires were invest
igated using a single contact interface between the brackets and archwires.
The wear patterns between the brackets and the .016-in flat archwire surfa
ces were also examined using scanning electron microscopy and energy disper
sive x-ray analysis. Stainless steel brackets tested with .016-in flat stai
nless steel wire surfaces recorded the lowest coefficient of static frictio
n mean (0.289), whereas titanium brackets paired with .016-in flat ion-impl
anted beta-titanium wire surfaces produced the highest mean (0.767), Stainl
ess steel brackets had significantly (P < .05) lower coefficients of fricti
on than titanium brackets for all wires except .020-in round stainless stee
l wires. ion-implanted beta-titanium wires generally had significantly larg
er coefficients of friction than stainless steel wires. The increased frict
ion of the titanium and ion-implanted beta-titanium alloys is also reflecte
d in the severity of their wear patterns, An inverse relationship between f
riction and archwire surface dimension was generally found for ion-implante
d beta-titanium wires. Round stainless steel wires demonstrated lower coeff
icients of kinetic friction than the flat stainless steel wire surfaces.