An improved linear stability theory of small-amplitude oscillations of a se
lf-gravitating, infinitesimally thin gaseous disk of spiral galaxies has be
en developed by Bertin, Lau, Lin, Mark, Morozov, Polyachenko, and others in
the approximation of moderately tightly wound gravity perturbations. In th
is regime, the generalized Lin-Shu type dispersion relation was also found
by including higher order terms in the small parameter 1/kr for wavenumber
k and radius r. It was shown that in the differentially rotating disks for
nonaxisymmetric (spiral) perturbations Toomre's modified critical Q-paramet
er is larger than the standard one: the fact that the spiral perturbations
in the nonuniformly rotating system are more unstable than the axisymmetric
ones is taken into account in this modified local stability criterion. We
use hydrodynamical simulations to test the validity of the modified local c