The Mechanosensitive channel of Large conductance (MscL) allows bacteria to
rapidly adapt to changing environmental conditions such as osmolarity. The
MscL channel opens in response to increases in membrane tension, which all
ows for the efflux of cytoplasmic constituents. Here we describe the clonin
g and expression of Salmonella typhimurium MscL (St-MscL). The amino acid s
equence encoding for this MscL exhibits a high degree of similarity to Esch
erichia coli MscL (Eco-MscL). Using a fluorescence efflux assay, we demonst
rate that efflux through the MscL channel during hypoosmotic shock can be m
onitored using endogenously produced fluorophores. These fluorophores are s
ynthesized by a cotransformed gene, cobA. In addition, we observe that ther
mal stimulation, i.e., heat shock, can induce efflux through MscL. (C) 2000
Academic Press.