Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a world-wide growing health problem affecting m
ore than 150 million people at the beginning of the new millennium. It is b
elieved that this number will double in the next 25 yr. The pathophysiologi
cal hallmarks of type 2 diabetes mellitus consist of insulin resistance,pan
creatic beta -cell dysfunction, and increased endogenous glucose production
. To reduce the marked increase of cardiovascular mortality of type 2 diabe
tic subjects, optimal treatment aims at normalization of body weight, glyce
mia, blood pressure, and lipidemia. This review focuses on the pathophysiol
ogy and molecular pathogenesis of insulin resistance and on the capability
of antihyperglycemic pharmacological agents to treat insulin resistance, i.
e., alpha -glucosidase inhibitors, biguanides, thiazolidinediones, sulfonyl
ureas, and insulin. Finally, a rational treatment approach is proposed base
d on the dynamic pathophysiological abnormalities of this highly heterogene
ous and progressive disease.