Most-favoured-nation (MFN) trade liberalizations will always improve global
economic welfare provided globally optimal environmental and other policie
s are in place. But since the latter proviso is not met in practice, empiri
cal studies of the environmental and resource depletion effects of such ref
orms are needed to determine whether trade reform is still worthwhile. This
paper provides a methodology for doing that. It is illustrated with a case
study of Indonesia, a large newly industrializing country that is rich in
natural resources and committed to taking part in major multilateral and re
gional trade liberalizations over the next two decades. A modified version
of the global CGE model known as GTAP is used to project the world economy
to 2010 and 2020 without and with those reforms. An environmental module is
attached to the Indonesian part of that global CGE model so as to measure
the effects of changes in economic activity on air and water pollution. The
proportional contributions to environmental indicators of changes in the l
evel and composition of output, and changes in production techniques, are i
dentified. A base case projection without trade reform is compared with alt
ernative scenarios involving full global implementation of Uruguay Round co
mmitments by 2010, and the additional move to MFN free trade by APEC countr
ies by 2020. The study suggests that, at least with respect to air and wate
r, trade policy reforms slated for the next two decades would in many cases
improve the environment and reduce the depletion of natural resources and
in the worst cases would add only slightly to environmental degradation - e
ven without toughening the enforcement of existing environmental regulation
s or adding new ones, and even if the reforms stimulate a faster rate of ec
onomic growth.