The objective of this study was to assess the relation between long-term ex
posure to different aluminum (AI) forms in drinking water and Alzheimer's d
isease (AD). The study participants were selected from a random sample of t
he elderly population (greater than or equal to 70 years of age) of the Sag
uenay-lac-Saint-Jean region (Quebec). Sixty-eight cases of Alzheimers disea
se diagnosed according to recognized criteria were paired for age (+/-2 yea
rs) and sex with nondemented controls. Aluminum speciation was assessed usi
ng established standard analytical protocols along with quality control pro
cedures. Exposure to Al forms (total Al, total dissolved AI, monomeric orga
nic AI, monomeric inorganic Al, polymeric Al, Al3+, AlOH, AIF, AlH3SiO42-,
AlSO4) in drinking water was estimated by juxtaposing the subject's residen
tial history with the physicochemical data of the municipalities. The marke
rs of longterm exposures (1945 to onset) to AZ forms in drinking water were
not significantly associated with AD. On the other hand, after adjustment
for education level, presence of family cases, and ApoE epsilon4 allele, ex
posure to organic monomeric aluminum estimated at the onset of the disease
was associated with AD (odds ratio 2.67; 95% CI 1.04-6.90). On average, the
exposure estimated at the onset had been stable for 44 years. Our results
confirm prime the importance of estimation of Al speciation and considerati
on of genetic characteristics in the assessment of the association between
aluminum exposure and Alzheimer's disease. (C) 2000 Academic Press.