Following on from the great success of its ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellite missio
ns, which have contributed to a much better understanding of the role that
oceans and ice play in determining the global climate, ESA is currently pre
paring to launch Envisat, the largest European satellite to be built to dat
The Envisat altimetric mission objectives are addressed by the Radar Altime
ter instrument (RA-2), complemented by the Microwave Radiometer (MWR), used
to correct the error introduced by the Earth's troposphere, and by the Dop
pler Orbitography and Radio-positioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) ins
trument. DORIS has been developed by ONES, and is already operational on se
veral satellites. It will measure Envisat's orbit to an unprecedented accur
acy, thereby serving as a major source of the improved performance that the
RA-2 system will be able to achieve.