The EC official method of total SO2 analysis in grape juice was modified in
1990. The main improvements concerned the amount and concentration of H3PO
4 used during the distillation to recover the combined SO2 and the standard
ization of the distillation time at 15 min. This comparative study evaluate
d the total SO2 level of 12 grape juices determined by five methods, includ
ing distillation, iodimetric and enzymatic-based methods. Attention was foc
used on the total SO2 legal limit of 10 mg/l fixed in Europe for grape juic
e. Analysis of variance disclosed a significant difference among the total
SO2 content in grape juices determined by five methods. Each analytical met
hod showed limits in relation of their ability to release the combined SO2.
In particular, the SO2 bonded to phenolic compounds is partially released
at low pH in the acidified juice leading to higher results.