Older people (those aged 65 years and over) are the major users of health c
are services, especially acute hospital beds. Since the creation of the NHS
there has been concern that older people inappropriately occupy acute hosp
ital beds when their needs would be best served by other forms of care. Man
y factors have been associated with delayed discharge (age, sex, multiple p
athology, dependency and administrative inefficiencies). However, many of t
hese factors are interrelated (or confounded) and few studies have taken th
is into account. Using data from a large study of assessment of older patie
nts upon discharge from hospital in England, this paper examines the extent
of delayed discharge, and analyses the factors associated with such delays
using a conceptual model of individual and organisational factors. Specifi
cally, this paper evaluates the relative contribution of the following fact
ors to the delayed discharge of older people from hospital: predisposing fa
ctors (such as age), enabling factors (availability of a family carer), vul
nerability factors (dependency and multiple pathology), and organisational/
administrative factors (referral for services, type of team undertaking ass
essments). The study was a retrospective patient case note review in three
hospitals in England and included four hundred and fifty-six patients aged
75 years and over admitted from their own homes, and discharged from specia
list elderly care wards. Of the 456 patients in the sample, 27% had a recor
ded delay in their discharge from hospital of three plus days. Multivariate
statistical analysis revealed that three factors independently predicted d
elay in discharge: absence of a family carer, entry to a nursing/residentia
l home, and discharge assessment team staffing. Delayed discharge was not r
elated to the hypothesised vulnerability factors (multiple dependency and m
ultiple pathology) nor to predisposing factors (such as age or whether the
older person lived alone). The delayed discharge of older people from hospi
tal is a topic of considerable policy relevance. Our study indicated that d
elay was independently related to two organisational issues. First, entry i
nto long-term care entailed lengthy assessment procedures, uncertainty over
who pays for this care, and waiting lists. Second, the nature of the team
assessing people for discharge was associated with delay (the nurse-coordin
ated team made the fewest referrals for multidisciplinary assessments and h
ad the longest delays). Additionally, the absence of a family carer was imp
licated in delay, which underlines the importance of family and friends in
providing posthospital care and in maintaining older people in the communit
y. Our study suggests that considerable delay in discharging older people f
rom hospital originates from administrative/organisational issues; these we
re compounded by social services resource constraints. There is still much
to be done therefore to improve coordination of care in order to provide a
truly 'seamless service'.