Congenital cysts of the larynx occur rarely. Their incidence amounts to abo
ut 1.8/100 000 newborns. Most frequently, these cysts are located in the su
praglottic region, 75% of them within the plica aryepiglottica. The leading
symptoms, inspiratoric strider, cyanosis, and jugular and epigastric retra
ctions, are caused by blockage of the airway. Therefore, laryngeal cysts of
ten lead to severe respiratory obstruction immediately past partum, giving
rise to an emergency intervention.
The case report demonstrates a newborn with a laryngeal cyst located in the
region of the right plica aryepiglottica. After emergency intubation, a pr
imary punction and, some days later, a secondary endoscopic cyst removal we
re performed.