Follicular fluid steroid content and theca and granulosa cell steroidogenes
is in pelvic congestion cystic ovaries were compared with steroidogenic fun
ction in both normal and polycystic ovaries. Ovaries were obtained at oopho
rectomy for benign gynaecological conditions, and classified according to g
ross morphology at dissection. Individual follicles were dissected out, fol
licular fluid aspirated, and granulosa and theca cells cultured in vitro. A
ndrostenedione, progesterone and oestradiol content of the follicular fluid
and overlying culture medium were measured by radioimmunoassay,There was a
significant elevation of both basal and LH-stimulated androstenedione prod
uction by theca from both polycystic ovaries (a = 10; P < 0.005) and pelvic
congestion cystic ovaries (n = 8; P < 0.05 and < 0.01 respectively) as com
pared with normal ovaries (n = 5), Granulosa cells from pelvic congestion o
varies (n = 7) had a diminished oestradiol response to FSH as compared with
those from normal ovaries (n = 8), Follicular fluid from the majority of f
ollicles in the pelvic congestion cystic ovaries had a high androgen:oestro
gen ratio consistent with atresia, For the first time, pelvic congestion ov
aries characterized by predominantly atretic follicles scattered throughout
the stroma in a normal volume ovary are reported, Follicular atresia was r
eflected by reduced granulosa cell responsiveness to FSH, theca cell hyperp
lasia and increased basal and LH-stimulated androgen production. These ovar
ies are functionally distinct from polycystic ovaries, which do not have a
higher proportion of atretic follicles than normal ovaries.