In Sweden, 14 out of 34 charophyte species are regularly found in the Balti
c Sea. Nitella flexilis, N. opaca, N. wahlbergiana, Chara braunii, Chara gl
obularis and C. delicatula occur mainly in freshwater, but occasionally in
brackish water. Chara aspera and C. tomentosa occur in the Baltic and calci
um-rich inland water. Cham connivens, C. baltica, C. horrida, C. canescens,
Tolypella nidifica and Lamprothamnium papulosum are restricted to brackish
Compared to older herbaria material, more recent charophyte records exist f
or the northernmost part of the coast probably due to higher intensity of i
nvestigation, in the southernmost part of the coast, however, charophytes d
isappeared from most of their former localities probably due to eutrophicat
ion. The importance of charophytes as bioindicators is discussed.