Using fishery recoveries from a tagged cohort of coho salmon, the ocean spa
tial-temporal abundance of the cohort is predicted using a state-space mode
l. The model parameters, which reflect spatial distribution, mortality, and
movement, vary considerably between different cohorts. To evaluate the eff
ect of proposed management plans on a future cohort, uncertainty in the coh
ort-specific parameters is accounted for by a hierarchic model. As an appli
cation, release-recovery and fishing effort data from several cohorts of a
hatchery-reared coho salmon stock originating from Washington state are use
d to calculate maximum likelihood estimates of the hyperparameters. Markov
chain Monte Carlo is used to approximate the likelihood for the hyperparame
ters. The Markov chain simulates the sampling distribution of the state-spa
ce model parameters conditional on the data and the estimated hyperparamete
rs and provides empirical Bayes estimates as a by-product. Given the estima
ted hyperparameters and the hierarchic model, fishery managers can simulate
the variation in cohort-specific parameters and variation in the migration
and harvest processes to more realistically describe uncertainty in the re
sults of any proposed management plan.