Stainless steel 304 substrates were coated with different materials in orde
r to find a suitable coating material for corrosion protection of separator
plates in molten-carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs). Five titanium carbonitride
coatings differing in composition and morphology and a titanium monoxide co
ating were deposited with chemical vapour deposition techniques. Also doubl
e-layer coatings of TiN/Au and TiN/Ni were prepared. The coatings were test
ed on their corrosion protection of separator plates in four different envi
ronments: under MCFC-cathode or anode gas, at load or at open circuit condi
tions. The corrosion behaviour was characterized using cyclic voltammetry.
Corrosion rates were determined with electrochemical methods and cross-sect
ion analyses of corrosion layers. Titanium nitride coatings showed the best
corrosion protection. The titanium carbide and titanium monoxide coating s
howed respectively less and no protection. The thin gold and Ni-coatings we
re unstable. Under cathode gas, the most important corrosion protection is
given by keeping the cell at load, and then a titanium nitride coating migh
t provide lifetime protection. Under anode gas, corrosion is most severe at
load conditions. A titanium nitride coating also gives corrosion protectio
n, but not enough for lifetime protection.