Detailed experiments on vertical turbulent plane jets in water of finite de
pth were carried out in a two-dimensional water tank. The jet velocities we
re measured with a laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV). The LDV measurement cov
ers the entire flow regime: the zone of flow establishment (ZFE), the zone
of established flow (ZEF), the zone of surface impingement (ZSI), and the z
one of horizontal jets (ZHJ). From the experimental results, the following
conclusions are reached. First, the jet flow is independent of the Reynolds
number if the Reynolds number is sufficiently large to produce a turbulent
jet. Second, in the initial ZFE, the jet flow is nonsimilar and is charact
erized by the two free shear layers along the two edges of the jet orifice.
Third, the jet flow in ZEF is self-similar. Both mean and fluctuation velo
cities are scaled with the mean jet centerline velocity. The turbulent shea
r stress is predictable by Prandtl's third eddy viscosity model. The spread
ing of the confined vertical jets is larger than that of a free jet, so is
the faster decay of jet centerline velocity, Fourth, in ZSI the jet flow is
nonsimilar and high turbulent intensities were found. The vertical turbule
nt jet transforms into two opposite horizontal surface jets after the impin
gement. And finally, the maximum velocity of the horizontal surface jet in
ZHJ decays according to a power law.