This study compared ratings of family functioning between female African Am
erican suicide attempters (n = 126) and nonattempters (n = 112). Attempters
reported poorer family-of-creation (physical and nonphysical partner abuse
, family strengths, and marital adjustment) and family-of-origin (physical,
sexual, and emotional abuse and emotional neglect) functioning than did co
ntrols. In a multivariate logistic regression, only marital discord and chi
ldhood sexual abuse were risk factors for suicide attempts. A cumulative ri
sk model was also tested and indicated that the presence of 4 or more of th
e risk factors increased a woman's likelihood of making a nonfatal suicide
attempt more than threefold. This study offers one of the first investigati
ons of the families of suicidal African American women and highlights the i
mportance of focusing on family concerns when working with this population.