Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) of the small intestine are anatomically p
ositioned to be in the first line of cellular defense against enteric patho
gens. Therefore, determining the origin of these cells has important implic
ations for the mechanisms of T cell maturation and repertoire selection. Re
cent evidence suggests that murine CD8 alpha alpha intestinal IELs (iIELs)
can mature and undergo selection in the absence of a thymus, We analyzed IE
L origin by cell transfer, using two congenic chicken strains. Embryonic da
y 14 and adult thymocytes did not contain any detectable CD8 alpha alpha T
cells. However, when TCR+ thymocytes were injected into congenic animals, t
hey migrated to the gut and developed into CD8 alpha alpha iIELs, while TCR
- T cell progenitors did not. The TCR V beta1 repertoire of CD8 alpha alpha
(+) TCR V beta1(+) iIELs contained only part of the TCR V beta1 repertoire
of total iIELs, and it exhibited no new members compared with CD8(+) T cel
ls in the thymus, This indicated that these T cells emigrated from the thym
us at an early stage in their developmental process. In conclusion, we show
that while CD8 alpha alpha iIELs originate in the thymus, T cells acquire
the expression of CD8 alpha alpha homodimers in the gut microenvironment.