C. Sedikides et Jd. Green, On the self-protective nature of inconsistency-negativity management: Using the person memory paradigm to examine self-referent memory, J PERS SOC, 79(6), 2000, pp. 906-922
How do individuals remember feedback that is inconsistent or negative? Acco
rding to the inconsistency-negativity resolution model, individuals are mot
ivated to reduce uncertainty and resolve inconsistency even when threat to
self is potential. They more deeply process and better remember negative se
lf- than other-referent information. According to the inconsistency-negativ
ity neglect model, individuals are motivated to protect the self against th
reat. They engage in more shallow processing and remember less negative sel
f- than other-referent information. Participants read and recalled either s
elf- or other-referent mixed-valence information. The neglect model was sup
ported in personality and minimal feedback settings. A chronometric explora
tion of processing mechanisms and the ruling: out of a retrieval interferen
ce account clarified aspects of the model. Individuals are hypersensitive t
o threat potential: They will protect the self against even hypothetical th