Current psychological theory and research affirm the positive affective and
motivational consequences of having personal choice. These findings have l
ed to the popular notion that the more choice, the better-that the human ab
ility to manage, and the human desire for, choice is unlimited. Findings fr
om 3 experimental studies starkly challenge this implicit assumption that h
aving more choices is necessarily more intrinsically motivating than having
fewer. These experiments, which were conducted in both field and laborator
y settings, show that people are more likely to purchase gourmet jams or ch
ocolates or to undertake optional class essay assignments when offered a li
mited array of 6 choices rather than a more extensive array of 24 or 30 cho
ices. Moreover, participants actually reported greater subsequent satisfact
ion with their selections and wrote better essays when their original set o
f options had been limited. Implications for future research are discussed.