The effects of phenolic additives on the gelation behavior of gelatin gels
were investigated using thermomechanical analysis (TMA) for study of gel-me
lting temperature, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) for study of gel-stora
ge modulus and gel-aging stability, viscometry for study of gelation time,
and texture analyzer for study of gel strength and gel melting. Thermodynam
ically, the addition of 1,3-benzenediol, 1,4-benzenediol or 1,3,5-benzenetr
iol favored the gelation process of gelatin solutions (increases in T-m and
aging stability) due to the introduction of extra physical crosslinks amon
g gelatin chains through hydrogen bonding, while the addition of 1,2-benzen
ediol had a negative effect (decreases in T-m and aging stability) possibly
due to intra-hydrogen bonding of the additive molecule itself. All the phe
nolic compounds had little effect on gel moduli. Kinetically, the introduct
ion of 1,2-benzenediol or 1,4-benzenediol slowed the gelation process, whil
e introduction of catechin, a polyphenol, accelerated the first stage of th
e gelation process. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.