Worldwide, building fires are a source of significant property damage and h
uman loss-and the danger of fire is ever present. This paper reports the fi
ndings of a research project aimed at the determination of general characte
ristics of building fires in Kuwait, the examination of their human and mon
etary damage results, the evaluation of relationships between the character
istics of fires and the resulting damages, and the development of models to
estimate fire cost and person injuries in Kuwait. Two sources of data were
utilized in the research. The records of the Fire-Fighting Department and
a person-interview survey of the fire Victims to obtain damage costs. Findi
ngs indicated that on the average a building fire in Kuwait lasted for 23 m
inutes, caused KD 2577 (US $8500) in damage costs, injured one person in ev
ery 3.5 fires, and killed one person in every 77 fires. Building fires were
more frequent during holidays and summer months, mostly in the afternoons
and evenings.. Bedrooms and kitchens experienced the most fires. Two cross-
classification models were also calibrated for a preliminary estimate of bu
ilding fire costs and person-injuries. A number of recommendations have bee
n made.