Objective: To provide data on the histopathological and immunohistochemical
characteristics of acute sinusitis in humans, Study Design: A nonrandomize
d, retrospective, controlled, qualitative and quantitative study. Methods:
Inflamed sinus mucosal tissues were removed duping functional endoscopic si
nus surgery from 11 patients with acute sinusitis, of whom 6 had complicati
ons with extension of inflammation to the orbit (4) or the meninges (2), 3
had recurrent sinusitis, and 2 had acute exacerbation of chronic sinusitis.
Normal sinus mucosal tissues were retrieved from four patients with variou
s nasal tumors and served as controls, All specimens underwent routine hist
ological processing. Representative sections from each region were stained
with hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff, and toluidine blue. Immun
ohistochemical staining for T and B lymphocytes was also applied. A two-pha
se examination was designed: low-magnification microscopic assessment (x40)
to yield the typical pathological features and high-magnification assessme
nt ( x 400) to count various inflammatory cells. Results: The lamina propri
a displayed the most significant changes with edema, extensive infiltration
of neutrophils and mononuclear cells, formation of micro-abscesses, thromb
ophlebitis, and necrotic foci, whereas the involvement of the epithelial la
yer in the inflammatory reaction was relatively modest, Immunohistochemistr
y revealed an increase in the population of T and B lymphocytes, The former
were diffusely scattered, whereas the latter also formed distinct clusters
: around small venules, adjacent to seromucous glands, and under the epithe
lium. Conclusions: The inflammatory reaction of the lamina propria exceeded
that of the epithelial layer, It is assumed that the clusters of B lymphoc
ytes around blood vessels may point to the fact that these cells were recru
ited from the blood during acute sinusitis.