Objectives: This study demonstrates histopathologic and immunocytochemical
changes in the olfactory bulb of a patient with post-traumatic olfactory dy
sfunction, These results are analyzed in light of current understanding of
the pathophysiology of anosmia and dysosmia following head trauma. Emphasis
is placed on potential mechanisms of human regeneration and recovery. Stud
y Design: The current study documents the history of a patient with the ini
tial complaint of complete anosmia following minor head trauma. Two months
after the injury the patient developed persistent, severe dysosmia with deb
ilitating weight loss, Neurosurgical treatment, including removal of the ol
factory bulbs and tracts, resulted in permanent resolution of dysosmia Meth
ods: Histopathologic: and immunocytochemical analysis of the olfactory bulb
s was undertaken and compared with age-matched control tissue. Results: Pat
hological analysis of the olfactory bulb revealed a marked reduction in the
number of nerve processes with few intact olfactory glomeruli compared wit
h an age-matched control, Specific immunohistochemical staining for the olf
actory neuron-specific protein OMP, however, demonstrated the presence of i
ntact axonal projections between the olfactory mucosa and the bulb, Conclus
ions: These results support the hypothesis that post-traumatic anosmia invo
lves, at least in part, damage to peripheral olfactory nerve fibers with hi
stological changes in the olfactory bulb. Potential mechanisms for the deve
lopment of post-traumatic dysosmia are also discussed.