The problem is the classification of the ideals of 'free differential algeb
ras', or the associated quotient algebras, the q-algebras; being finitely g
enerated, unital C-algebras with homogeneous relations and a q-differential
structure. This family of algebras includes the quantum groups, or at leas
t those that are based on simple (super) Lie or Kac-Moody algebras. Their c
lassification would encompass the so far incompleted classification of quan
tized (super) Kac-Moody algebras and of the (super) Kac-Moody algebras them
selves. These can be defined as singular limits of q-algebras, and it is ev
ident that to deal with the q-algebras in their full generality is more rat
ional than the examination of each singular limit separately. This is not j
ust because quantization unifies algebras and superalgebras, but also becau
se the points 'q=1' and 'q=-1' are the most singular points in parameter sp
ace. In this Letter, one of two major hurdles in this classification progra
m has been overcome. Fix a set of integers n(1),...,n, and consider the spa
ce B-Q of homogeneous polynomials of degree n(1) in the generator e(1), and
so on. Assume that there are no constants among the polynomials of lower d
egree, in any one of the generators; in this case all constants in the spac
e B-Q have been classified. The task that remains, the more formidable one,
is to remove the stipulation that there are no constants of lower degree.