Background/Aim: In general, intracytoplasmic free calcium ions (Ca++) are m
aintained at a very low concentration in mammalian tissue by extruding Ca+ against a high concentration of extracellular Ca++, mainly through the act
ivity of the plasma membrane Ca(++)pump-ATPase. The aim of the present stud
y was to demonstrate by electron cytochemical and immunogold methods the ul
trastructural localization of two different types of plasma membrane Ca++-A
TPase, i.e. Ca++Mg++-ATPase and Ca++ pump-ATPase in the hepatic sinusoidal
endothelium. Methods: Liver tissues and the isolated hepatic sinusoidal end
othelial cell (SEC)s were subjected to the following procedures. The ultras
tructural localizations of Ca++Mg++-ATPase were examined by an electron cyt
ochemical method. The ultrastructural localization of Ca(++)pump-ATPase was
identified by an electron immunogold method. Results: The cytochemical rea
ction of Ca++Mg++-ATPase was found to be localized on the outer sites of th
e plasma membrane of sinusoidal endothelial fenestrae (SEF). The immunogold
particles indicating the presence of Ca pump-ATPase were identified on the
inner sites (cytoplasmic) of the invaginated plasma membrane of SEE Conclu
sions: Both Ca++Mg++-ATPase and Ca(++)pump-ATPase demonstrated on the SEF p
lasma membrane may be involved in the regulation of intracytoplasmic Ca++ c