Telomere repeat sequences cap the ends of eucaryotic chromosomes and help s
tabilize them. At interstitial sites, however, they may destabilize chromos
omes, as suggested by cytogenetic studies in mammalian cells that correlate
interstitial telomere sequence with sites of spontaneous and radiation-ind
uced chromosome rearrangements. In no instance is the length, purity, or or
ientation of the telomere repeats at these potentially destabilizing inters
titial sites known, To determine the effects of a defined interstitial telo
mere sequence on chromosome instability, as well as other aspects of DNA me
tabolism, we deposited 800 bp of the functional vertebrate telomere repeat,
TTAGGG, in two orientations in the second intron of the adenosine phosphori
bosyltransferase (APRT) gene in Chinese hamster ovary cells, In one orienta
tion, the deposited telomere sequence did not interfere with expression of
the APRT gene, whereas in the other it reduced mRNA levels slightly, The te
lomere sequence did not induce chromosome truncation and the seeding of a n
ew telomere at a frequency above the limits of detection. Similarly, the te
lomere sequence did not alter the rate or distribution of homologous recomb
ination events. The interstitial telomere repeat sequence in both orientati
ons, however, dramatically increased gene rearrangements some 30-fold. Anal
ysis of individual rearrangements confirmed the involvement of the telomere
sequence. These studies define the telomere repeat sequence as a destabili
zing element in the interior of chromosomes in mammalian cells.