Planktonic foraminifera from closely sampled sections of the Patala Formati
on and the Nammal Formation from the western Salt Range, namely the Patala
Nala, the Nammal Gorge, the Khairabad and the Chichali Pass have been exami
ned to establish the planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and its integ
ration into the standard planktonic zonation. Six planktonic foraminiferal
Zones: Muricoglobigerina soldadoensis Zone, Acarinina wilcoxensis berggreni
Zone, Morozovella formosa Zone, Morozovella aragonensis Zone, Subbotina in
aequispira Zone and Subbotina frontosa Zone have been established. The Pale
ocene-Eocene boundary straddles the Muricoglobigerina soldadoensis Zone and
the Acarinina wilcoxensis berggreni Zone. The Patala Formation, essentiall
y of Upper Paleocene age, extends into the Lower Eocene.