When the intake of foods or pharmaceutical preparations containing sufficie
nt nutrients of adequate bioavailability are consumed, nutrient requirement
s are met and optimal nutritional status is maintained. Recent studies have
shown that the basis for describing vitamin A activity of carotenoids over
estimates the bioavailability of provitamin A carotenoids and their bioconv
ersion to retinol (vitamin A). it is therefore proposed that instead of 6 m
ug from a mixed diet, 21 mug beta -carotene are required to provide I mug o
f retinol or I RE (retinol equivalent) of vitamin A. Based on this assumpti
on and on data from food balance sheets, estimates of daily per capita vita
min A intake expressed in RE in Africa, South America, and Asia are reduced
from 895, 599, and 667, respectively, to 371, 372, and 258, respectively S
uch intakes are well below the recommended daily intake of 600 RE for adult
males. A new combination of approaches will therefore have to be used to c
ombat vitamin A deficiency rather than that used up until now.