Pw. Taylor et al., Sexual competitiveness of Vienna 4/Tol-94 'genetic sexing' sterile mediterranean fruit fly males in Israel, PHYTOPARASI, 29(1), 2001, pp. 7-14
The sterile insect technique (SIT) is used as an environment-friendly means
of suppressing Mediterranean fruit Ay (Ceratitis capitata; 'medfly') popul
ations in the Arava valley of Israel. The technique depends on released ste
rile males effectively wresting the reproductive potential away from wild,
fertile males. Studies carried out in other countries have indicated that s
terile males may sometimes be of inferior sexual competitiveness in compari
son with their wild counterparts and that this may inhibit SIT efficacy. In
the present study, field-cage experiments were conducted to investigate th
e sexual competitiveness of sterile male medflies (genetic sexing strain Vi
enna 4/Tol-94) produced in and shipped from Guatemala, in the presence of w
ild males in Israel. In addition, we checked whether pre-release chilling a
ffects their sexual success. Sterile and wild males were found to be simila
r in mating frequency, latency until mating, insemination probability, and
duration of copulations during which no sperm were stored. There was, howev
er, weak evidence that copulations involving sperm storage were shorter for
sterile males. Chilling did not influence any element of male sexual perfo
rmance. in both experiments, copulations culminating in sperm storage by fe
males were longer than those that failed, suggesting that processes occurri
ng early on in copulation may sometimes be the source of sexual failure. Ov
erall, these results indicate a high standard of vigor in the sterile male
medflies used in the SIT program presently followed in Israel.