The paper raises some problems caused by 'associational thinking' in social
science by reference to examples from the literature on economic organisat
ion and gender. Associational thinking focuses on common associations betwe
en social phenomena, such as the gendering of organisations, without asking
counterfactual questions about the status of these relationships, for exam
ple, whether organisations are unavoidably gendered or only contingently so
. II is argued these questions have been inadequately resolved in the liter
ature, as a consequence of a reluctance to engage in counterfactual reasoni
ng and abstraction, and a neglect of the extent to which systems - as oppos
ed to the lifeworld - are 'identity-blind' These questions are pursued thro
ugh discussions of whether markets and bureaucracies are inherently gendere
d. It is argued further that associational thinking has also clouded the no
rmative judgements implicit in the critiques of gendered organisations.